Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why do you want to be an art educator?

I want to be an art educator because I realize that art is central to the way each person views the world. I have always enjoyed working with children, and as cliche as it may sound, I honestly want to make a difference in children's lives. I have had a number of positive role models in my life, outside of my own parents- I truly believe that the only way to thank these people for their help in my life, is to pass my gift on to the children around me. Whether it be the cheerleaders I coach, the children I babysit, or the young patients at Roswell that my cheerleaders and myself volunteer with on a regular basis, it is my calling to instill upon them the same positive feedback, constructive criticism, self esteem building compliments, insightful advice and a listening ear, that I too was given as a child. With all of this outside experience, I am confident that I can bring all of these qualities into the classroom, and plan to go through my career as an educator with respect and understanding for every child that I encounter. My passion is art, and I want my class to feel that, understand it, and appreciate it. Art is so incredibly essential to the way that the world is viewed, and my life experiences can only further support this. I can not wait for my journey as an art educator to begin!


  1. I too have had positive role models in my life that I feel have played a significant part in my life. One of the main reasons that I want to be a art teacher is to influence young people in a postitive way similar to the way that I have.

  2. I love when you describe that the best way to thank people is to give back to others. I full heartedly agree with this and do my best to live this way as well. From what you've just described I'm confident that you've already given back in the way that you hope and you're just getting started!
